10:00 - 10:50
15 May 2021

Clear the stage for self-confidence - the game

The major thing that holds us back from pursuing our dreams and ambitious plans is a lack of self-confidence. When our self-confidence is low, we struggle to be truly ourselves and to break free from the expectations of others.

It is something we all face, to some degree. The key question is: If we are low in self-confidence, is it possible to do things that will change that? 

The answer is a clear YES! We have it in our own hands to develop our self-confidence and to get there we must take action.

In this workshop, we approach the subject in a refreshing new way: Together we will engage in an online game in which innovative and exciting ideas will be co-created and everyone can increase their self-confidence.

Through the playful exploration of this topic, creativity is intensively stimulated, and unprecedented solutions open up. The players experience themselves full of energy and engage with the topic regardless of their usual barriers.

This game is a game-changer that empowers all participants to break through the limits they unconsciously set themselves and to walk out with the conviction that they have it in their own hands to shape their lives with self-confidence.
